
Layer N is an execution network with real-time, asynchronous execution. Programs run in isolated environments and communicate through non-blocking messages with zero state contention. This is in contrast to existing blockchains, which have a shared execution environment with a shared state tree, leading to state contention and transaction congestion. This enables a class of applications not possible on other blockchains. As an example, our custom orderbook designed for Layer N easily achieves under 3ms 99-percentile latency with 100k requests per second, all while communicating with other programs on the network. We offer a unique tradeoff between Web2 UX and Web3 security, with a strong emphasis on enabling applications that can best exploit our milliseconds latency and high transaction throughput, such as high-frequency trading and gaming.

Near-native performance

Layer N instances approach the performance of centralized finance networks, creating an on-chain rival to NASDAQ and Visa. Our approach closes the gap with Web2 performance and eliminates state contention present on existing solutions.

Shared liquidity

Building on the communication protocol, Layer N enables rapid liquidity between programs. Imagine market making on multiple orderbook-based exchanges, all on-chain. Inventory management in milliseconds.

Instantaneous communication

Messages between programs are instantaneous, measured on the order of milliseconds and delayed only by physical distance. Programs can even choose to colocate with other programs, hitting millisecond latencies.

Native liquidity

Layer N supports native assets directly from Ethereum, providing greater security and liquidity. No need to deal with non-native, bridged assets.

Layer N was designed with a vision to be a foundational network for the trustless internet. As such, many concepts are directly inspired from the internet and the applications built on it. Many Web2 applications wouldn't be able to scale if they ran on a single instance. We provide a similar experience for Web3 applications, focusing on vertical scaling and low latency.

If you want to start building on Layer N, sign up to the Early Access Program ↗ (opens in a new tab).